In March 2021 I was contacted by a lady who was currently residing in Hong Kong. She was planning to move to the UK in July and had exchanged on a property in Hampshire. Not able to visit beforehand she required my services to help her furnish the four floor Listed Town House ready for her family to move into. The brief was to focus on essential furnishings and Turn Key items from a
variety of collated sources, and delivered in one hit ready for occupation. A cost effective Interior Design was required.
Location wasn’t an issue for me as I work in different parts of the UK as well as internationally. We also had a tight deadline to furnish and prepare the home ready to be occupied.



A young family, the brief was colourful; a blend of simple modern style and more exclusive pieces and soft furnishings which were rich and comfortable. I happily agreed to take on the project, keeping in touch via Zoom and WhatsApp - due to time differences - and planned accordingly.

Whilst Covid created many problems initially the main problem was availability and more importantly the client’s ability to travel to the UK. Time scales changed and we adapted the design according to availability taking advantage of my clients delay to wait for more desirable fittings.
One major disadvantage for the client was an inability to manage the purchase take over and snag the property.

I took over this task for her dealing with agents and developer to deal with any issues that arose, and there were many. Taking this pressure off her was a great relief to the family


We gained a lot of knowledge to ensure we handled everything to the best of our abilities. My client was always grateful and recently sent this message.
"I really appreciate you for always responding and dealing with things promptly. Having constant communication with the neighbours and handling things with the developer. I don’t know what to expect if we didn’t hire you and how much mess I had to deal with when I was to arrive. I want you to know that we are really grateful for your high-quality hard work".
Client Reaction